3 Ways To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The first thing you must do is choose winning products to be an affiliate for. It may sound obvious, but there's no point in trying to sell something that nobody wants. Have a look around and see what is currently in high demand and which has good profitability levels, there's really no point in trying to discover a niche that nobody else has yet, that could take years and may never happen. The priority is to take action now.
You need to find out what people are buying now and determine that you will be able to create campaigns to make an impression on that market.
A good place to start looking for products to promote is ClickBank.com, there you can look for suitable products in your niche and you will be able to see how successful they are by the gravity score which is decided by ClickBank according to how many sales have been made over a certain time period. The higher the gravity figure, the more successful the product. You should ideally be looking for a minimum gravity of around 30 or so.
Another way is to make an Amazon.com review site, you should search for products of at least a $200.00 price tag, any less than that and your commission will not be much. Ideally you should buy the product and write an honest review about it, try to pick products with at least 45 positive customer reviews, this way you'll have plenty of points to refer to, that real people who have purchased the product have commented upon. It goes without saying that you should pick a product that doesn't have a load of negative reviews!
If you need instant commissions, you can find affiliate programs who run the Rapid Action Profits script, this will allow you to make 100% commission on every other deal, so for example, if you make two sales, the vendor would get all of the first sale and you would receive all of the proceeds of the following sale and so on, the good thing about this system is that it is instant. To find these sites, just enter into your favorite search engine "powered by Rapid Action Profits". You should take the time to ensure that your links are properly formatted so you are credited with all profits generated by your efforts. You should look around the internet for more information on the subject, there is a lot of information out there, but not all of it is good.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Garry_Sterling

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6545992

High Commission Affiliate Program - 3 Easy Ways To Boost Affiliate Commissions

Are you tired of earning pennies as an affiliate marketer? Do you want to learn how to maximize a high commission affiliate program so you can quit your day job? Follow this step-by-step guide to triple your affiliate income in 30 days.
Tip # 1 > Higher Percentage of the Profit Per SaleI personally never work with affiliate programs that pay less than 30%. You'll work just as hard to pre-sell an item for a 5% commission as you will to pre-sell a 50% item.
By only selecting high percentage per sale products you will make more money for the same amount of work.
Affiliate networks like ClickBank or ShareASale offer a huge supply of quality vendors who offer high percentage commission rates. Search the network for vendors relevant to your niche and select those with a minimum of 30% commission offers.
Tip # 2 > Higher Profit Per Sale
Just like choosing higher percentage rates, you should also promote more expensive items as well.
For example, 50% of $20.00 will earn you a $10.00 commission. However, 50% of $100.00 will earn you a $50.00 commission. You can more than triple your profit for about the same amount of effort.
I'd rather work smart and make more money, than work harder for less money. It will take you about as much effort to find a new customer and pre-sell them on a $10 product as it does to find and pre-sell a customer to buy a $100 or $350 product.
Tip # 3 > Backend Product Sales
Backend offers determine whether you make average or big profits. It's sad that many online business owners fail to see how valuable this marketing concept is, and rarely, if ever, resell their existing customers. They usually focus on attracting new one-time sales.
Read every vendors affiliate agreement carefully. Select only those merchants who offer back-end sales commissions. It makes more sense to sell to current customers than to go fishing for new customers every month.
Another good option is to promote "re-occurring" income services like membership sites or other subscription services. By doing this, you'll earn commissions MONTH after MONTH for as long as that customer stays active, as opposed to earning a one-time commission.
On average most quality membership sites retain new customers up to 18 months. You do the math.
BONUS: Ask An E-Business Coach!
Q: I'm selling products in a competitive niche. How can I convert more of my visitors into sales?
A: Simple! Give them more value than the next guy. Offer your prospects something unique and priceless.
I offer my customers 1-on-1 coaching sessions. They get the added benefit of asking me direct questions and getting precise answers.
For example, if you are selling an electronic device, offer your prospects an exclusive "how to" guide filled with advanced ways to use the device.
Now you know what to do, it's time to get started.
Or, is it?
While this article does provide the basic steps for putting this information to use. It's not an in-depth guide that reveals over 100 easy ways to accomplish your goals in half the time.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Khaliah_Fisher

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6544608